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2818 Weekly Update - September 30 to October 6

Writer's picture: 2818 Army Cadet Corps2818 Army Cadet Corps

Hello Everyone


Our first month of training has come to a quick finale with the completion of our fall exercise.  What a beautiful weekend to spend in a conservation area.  Your cadets were terrific with their training, and I hope they learned a lot and had a great time. It was a pleasure spending time with them.

Our unit continues to grow, and we are welcoming new members with today's email.  Please continue to share what fun your cadet is having with friends and family and invite them to join us.  Cadet training is more successful when you are doing it with your friends.  Consider carpooling from your community, as we know some of you are travelling to ensure your cadet's success (thank you for your dedication).

We are continuing to update files through the Annual Validation forms.  If you have not already returned this form, please do so ASAP.  I will be following up with a phone call if we have not heard from you.

If your cadet is not returning to training this year, please advise and return all uniforms and parts to the corps ASAP.


Weekly Training:  Mon Sept 30 - 1800 - 2100 hrs Belleville Armouries. 

National Truth and Reconciliation Day:  Cadets have been given permission to wear an orange shirt to recognize the importance of Truth and Reconciliation Day.  If they do not have an orange shirt, then their corps t-shirt is acceptable.

Bring in any uniform parts that don't fit.

Dress:  Civilian clothing - orange/corps t-shirt, civilian pants.  Please wear decent clothing (no rips or tears in the pants, no inappropriate t-shirts)

Officers - Orange/corps t-shirt / civilian pants

CI/CV- Orange / Unit golf Shirt with civilian pants


Cadets are recommended to bring water bottles if they are to use the new water fountain.


Attendance Notification:

If a cadet cannot attend an activity, please call the unit phone number at 613-966-2123 and leave a message on the voicemail.


Fruit Donations:

This free alternative supports our canteen to ensure cadet blood sugars are positive during training.  We are asking for volunteers to donate fresh fruit for upcoming training nights.  Thank you to those who have volunteered so far. Please let me know if you can assist, and I will add your name to the list below:


Mon Sept 30: 2Lt McInroy

Mon Oct 7:  Stewart Family

Mon Oct 21:

Mon Oct 28:

We are looking for volunteers for October so please let me know if you can support this initiative.


Upcoming Activities:


Gleaners Food Drive - Sunday, Oct 6

We will be working at two grocery stores on North Front Street - Freshco and Metro.

Gleaners Food Bank will be providing bags and grocery lists to hand out to customers and we will encourage them to place their donations in two provided barrels.  The Food Bank will be picking up the donated food throughout the day.

Cadets are invited to attend lunch at the Food Bank to thank them for their efforts.

We require two cadets per store for the morning shift (9:30 to 12:00 noon followed by lunch) and then two more for the afternoon shift (starting with lunch then 1:00 to 3:00 pm).

An adult will be in attendance with them at all times. 

Parents are asked to drop off and pick up their cadets at their assigned stores.

Sign up sheets will be available Monday evening.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Future Activities for your calendar (subject to change):

Monday, Oct 7:     CO's Parade

Saturday, Oct 26:   Poppy Distribution - Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99

                  9:00 am to 12:00 noon

Saturday, Nov 9:   No Stone Left Alone - time to be determined

                  Belleville Cemetery - in conjunction with

608 Duke of Edinburgh Air Cadet Squadron

Monday, Nov 11:   Remembrance Day

Sunday, Nov 17:    Belleville Santa Claus Parade

Sat Nov 23/Sun Nov 24:  Tag Day


Dress and Deportment

All cadets are subject to the following instructions and orders:

Please take note of new regulations re hair length (cannot touch collar) and wearing of jewelery.

Please review the Dress Instructions. The new directive will be enforced if you are not in compliance.



Cadets appointed to duty during weekly training by the Duty Officer and/or the Duty Warrant Officer are required to stay until 2115hrs for clean-up and dismissal by the Duty Officer and/or the Duty Warrant Officer.



Any questions, please contact:

Training Officer and DCO, SLt Carter  

Asst Training Officer Mr. Harry Mack

Supply Officer, Mr. Ryan Thorn

Ops/Administration Officer, 2Lt Mcinroy


 If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact myself or any officer on staff.

Have a great week.



Robin Brooks


Acting Commanding Officer

2818 Hastings Prince Edward Regiment RCACC Belleville

Cel:  613-849-0721

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2818 Belleville Army Cadets, Belleville, Ontario | | 613-966-2123

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